Method for analysis of argument (difference between constructing an argument and analysing one is that in the second case both sides of the argument are divined to discern the stronger argument. Constructing an argument involves finding all of the premises that support one conclusion. )
1. Find the proposition or conclusion of the argument.
2. Look for premises of (assumptions behind) the argument put in the conclusion (An assumption, like a premise, is something that must be true for the conclusion to be true. Assumptions are distinct from premises in that they are unstated)
3. Look for assumptions in meanings of the words in the proposition (it must be assumed that words have particular meaning in order to deploy them in argument. The assumption is the particular definition for a word. In the case of many words the meaning is contested territory, or ambiguous, or context-dependent).
4. Look for assumptions underlying the premises (These Supporting Premises stand in the relation to premises that premises do to the conclusion: in essence they and the premise they support are arguments in themselves.)
5. Look for assumptions in the meanings of the words in the premises.
6. Make an anti-thesis from the argument and look for premises.
7. Make an anti-thesis from the premises of the argument and look for premises that support those (supporting premises of the antithesis.)