At t1 content represented by sentences of a text are evaluated against an existing or ground state of affairs provided by the relations and elements of t0 (taking the function of introducing a text in convenient isolation). If it is said that new propositional content is added at t1, representing an effect of a text, it cannot be the content, therefore, against which the meaning of sentences are evaluated. In its abstract form, this content remains as before. It remains to tease out, if the text is a function affecting a world, understood via the propositional content that represents what holds at that world, how the abstract set of propositional content that describes the state of affairs at aw’ or t1 is altered.
To return to the beginning, sentences become elements of the world as semiotic content. New propositional content does reflect this as part of the set Ω of all propositional content that holds at the world, representing these new elements as content, meaning aside. The meaning of the set of sentences in a text is evaluated by an agent or community of belief. Propositional content reflects this, too, since these evaluations are content of or elements of the world (this procedure may be iterative if other agents then evaluate the evaluation).
If propositional content that reflects the truth of this evaluation is distilled to propositional content that reflects the truth (or otherwise, or possible truth – truth at some world) of the original sentence, taking into consideration only the meaning, the resulting bit of content is a duplicate. So if an agent decides that ‘p holds’ is true at aw for some fw, the cognitive event can be taken as a bit of content at the world. Propositional content reflecting this represents the event as ‘a believes ‘p holds is true at aw for some fw.’ To the extent that a has a grasp on the actual state of affairs at aw, that p holds is true at aw for some fw vacuously duplicates the bit of pre-existing propositional content concerning the possibility of p at aw. What new content is entered into the set Ω as a result?