
Fight Club and Revolution Fantasy

Fight Club and Revolution Fantasy

“A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial civilisation..” (Marcuse, 1967 p19) In 1947 the leading exponents of...

Excerpt on history and myth

Excerpt on history and myth

Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will  modify the future.  – Jorge...

Constitution for The War Game (a tutorial exercise)

Constitution for The War Game (a tutorial exercise)

Preamble A civil war against the oppressor has been a success and the three revolutionary parties, each faction representing an...

Figures of Form and Diction

Figures of Form and Diction

Alliteration A series of words beginning with the same letter or sound. Anadiplosis Repetition of the final word of one...

Music/Video Piracy Down: People Now Prefer To Make Own Copies (Archived: Sept 2003)

Music/Video Piracy Down: People Now Prefer To Make Own Copies (Archived: Sept 2003)

Research on music and dvd industry sales released in September 2003 by US-based Forrester Research indicates global music piracy has...

two paragraphs from chapter on anticipated objections

two paragraphs from chapter on anticipated objections

Taking language across the divide, from a natural, organic system that functions, however inexplicably, at worlds, to a formal logical...

Inauthentic Representations of the Public Mind

Inauthentic Representations of the Public Mind

 On ABC Radio National’s new Drive programme on Friday the authenticity of research came under discussion between host Julian Morrow...

Othello as Analogy for Argument

Othello as Analogy for Argument

Slipped Hegemony

Slipped Hegemony

Notes for a Tutorial on Humpty Dumpty

Notes for a Tutorial on Humpty Dumpty

Language as Game of Power … there are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents –‘...