Sabotage Bureau
Twitter talk on the 2019 Australian election campaign, weeks 5-6

Twitter talk on the 2019 Australian election campaign, weeks 5-6

Thursday May 9th Thursday May 16th

Twitter talk on the 2019 Australian election campaign, weeks 3-4

Twitter talk on the 2019 Australian election campaign, weeks 3-4

This post is a continuation of the documenting of twitter talk about an election campaign begun here. Thursday April 25th...

Accidental non-fiction

Accidental non-fiction

A narrative text sets out the romantic but tumultuous journey of A. and B. as their true affection for one...

backwards-branching time and fictive Socrates

backwards-branching time and fictive Socrates

implications for Plato. ..if statements about some particular, necessary past are True and statements about alternatives False, then Plato, in...

Notes on time

Notes on time

  Questions on time Is time finite in extent or infinite? Is it parcels at the ‘shortest duration’ or continuous,...

Genesis (agnostic variant)

Genesis (agnostic variant)

In the beginning was the word or it was quiet, or disquiet, or a singularity, or an infinite sequence of...

A bare bones typology of atheisms

A bare bones typology of atheisms

Fundamentalist atheism an ideology grounded in the belief that without doubt there exist no deities, by any definition that might...

Polemic: why argue for truth in fiction

Polemic: why argue for truth in fiction

Aristotle argued (according to notes from his lectures, later collated) that there are three distinct kinds of speech or literature. ...

A Sceptical method of inquiry

A Sceptical method of inquiry

Consider a question in the light of a conclusion, theory, or argument that seems right. The theory ought to be...

A theology of doubt

A theology of doubt

In general doubt’s my truth, and might be the only thing I don’t doubt (though I doubt I doubt enough,...