Sabotage Bureau
note on Aristotle and the Organon

note on Aristotle and the Organon

          ‘The original is unfaithful to the translation. — Borges, On Henley’s translattion of Beckford’s Vathek,...

Excerpt on history and myth

Excerpt on history and myth

Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will  modify the future.  – Jorge...

Figures of Displacement

Figures of Displacement

Allegory A story or fable employed for its similarity and symbolic portent for a real-world situation. e.g An army of...

Constitution for The War Game (a tutorial exercise)

Constitution for The War Game (a tutorial exercise)

Preamble A civil war against the oppressor has been a success and the three revolutionary parties, each faction representing an...

Figures of Thought

Figures of Thought

Excursis (digressio, parecbasis) An aside or digression from the main thread of story or argument. Exouthenismos A statement aiming scorn...

Figures of Reason and Argument

Figures of Reason and Argument

      Accumulatio Summing up in conclusion all the points contributing to an argument or put forward in a...

Figures of Form and Diction

Figures of Form and Diction

Alliteration A series of words beginning with the same letter or sound. Anadiplosis Repetition of the final word of one...

Figures of Affect (Emphasis)

Figures of Affect (Emphasis)

    Hyperbole Exaggeration in a phrase or statement for effect, often to the point of absurdity. e.g The temperature...

Music/Video Piracy Down: People Now Prefer To Make Own Copies (Archived: Sept 2003)

Music/Video Piracy Down: People Now Prefer To Make Own Copies (Archived: Sept 2003)

Research on music and dvd industry sales released in September 2003 by US-based Forrester Research indicates global music piracy has...

The kind of thing meanings are (1)

The kind of thing meanings are (1)

For the purposes of a model for fictionality propositions, meanings and concepts are deployed as abstract, dimensionless, and absolute objects....