Hierarchies of Code
Language is a kind of code dependent upon the life rhythms of the species which originated the language. Unless...
Language is a kind of code dependent upon the life rhythms of the species which originated the language. Unless...
Four kinds of relations are set as the minimum needed for modelling the function of fiction in a useful way:...
Possibilia is the proper name given to the territories of alethic space. It entails...
Niall: The night folds down around me. The shallow purple-black sky swirls and flickers, hums like a...
This isn’t a comprehension test sir. No, but since the second line says the same as the first, and the...
If you’ve been watching television or reading the newspapers lately and feeling increasingly helpless and ill-defined, you’re certainly not...
‘And Valquez?’ ‘Ah valquez. Suberbly conceived, and, of course utterly laughable in apprehension.’ ‘Absolutely. He is pathos epitomised. I mean...
For the purposes of a model for fictionality propositions, meanings and concepts are deployed as abstract, dimensionless, and absolute objects....